Supervisory Board
- Mag.a Geyer Christa (Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board)
- DI Kasser Herbert (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- DI Dr. Frey Harald
- Mag. Höllerer Michael
- Schultz Martha
- Mag.a Wildfellner Eva
Employee representatives
- Roman Grünerbl
- Christian Petz
- Gabriele Straßnigg
Supervisory Board of the individual companies
- Mag. Hartwig Hufnagl (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- Dr. Josef Fiala (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- Kommerzialrätin Margarete Kriz-Zwittkovits
- DI Mark Ganster
- Prof. Mag. Dr. Alfred Kappl
Employee representatives
- Ing. Wolfgang Eberhart
- DI Richard Loidl
- Ing. Walter Laniator
- Dr. Josef Fiala (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- Mag. Hartwig Hufnagl (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- Gerald Schwarzenpoller, MSc
- Mag.a Christa Bock
- Dipl.Ing. Rolf Sint
Employee representatives
- Gabriele Straßnigg
- Klaus Konrath
- Claudia Wagner
- Mag. Hartwig Hufnagl(Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- Dr. Josef Fiala (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- LAbg. a.D. Ing. Manfred Ebner
- DI Wolfgang Heckenast
- HR DI Josef Decker
- HR Dr. Günther Knötig
- Landesbaudirektor DI Andreas Tropper
- DI Franz Schwammenhöfer
- Christoph Bayrhammer
- DI Thomas Keller
Employee representatives
- Christian Piribauer
- Günter Eck
- Martin Pretterhofer
- Johannes Trauner
- Alexandra Adlbauer
- Mag. Hartwig Hufnagl (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- HR DI Robert Müller (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- Dr. Josef Fiala
- Dr. Christian Konzett
Employee representatives
- Roman Grünerbl
- Manfred Ladner